

New Release!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Maria Tattoo

On the back is an image of Mother Mary.
An angel graces the chest with a soft and delicate feather adorning the bicep.
The theme is of course, Love!

It`s a subtle and delicate design.
But still perfect for both guys and girls.
We really hope you enjoy wearing it.

Availible in store now. 
See you there  ♪

:::<< Koibana Creators Mall >>:::


RURU CLUB diafall



Our newest release is complete!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Lotus Tattoo

A lotus flower, delicately floating on the crystal clear water adorns
the left leg in this tattoo.
I`m very proud of the way the colours turned out in this one.
Please take a look :-)

.::CINQ ONZE::. Heart Tattoo

This one has lots and lots of hearts all over it for a really cute look.

*Please note*
Usually we include the leg tattoos on the socks layer as well,
however this time because of the unusual placement of the images
in both tattoos, these both come on only the underware layer.

Hope to see you in store.^^

:::<< Koibana Creators Mall >>:::


RURU CLUB diafall


++Group Gift++

It`s here!!

The newest Group Gift!
And there`s two of them!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Shooting Star Tattoo GGift

This tattoo features syunn's speciality,
'Kanji' or Chinese Characters,
and also a popular motif of the season, 'The Star'.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Japanese Style Collage Tattoo GGift

Naturally this tattoo also features some Kanji by syuun!
We've included lots of Japanese motifs in this one.

*Please note*
The previous group gift will remain out only for the remainder of today
(Japan Time 7/14 0:00 - SLT July 14th 8am)
If you haven't got it yet please hurry and do so ASAP!    Hurry!  :-)

:::<< Koibana Creators Mall >>:::


RURU CLUB diafall


NEW TATTOO Rabbit & Spider

New Release!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Rabbit Tattoo
The design on the chest is of a Rabbit and on the back an Oriental Tribal tattoo.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Spider Tattoo

There is an image of a Spider on the chest.  The front is pretty simple but the design on the back has lots of impact!

So there you go!

We`d love to see you all wearing these cool tattoos and enjoying your SL!

See you instore! 

:::<< Koibana Creators Mall >>:::




Our newest release is out now.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Tribal Tattoo

.::CINQ ONZE::. Tribal Tattoo

彫瞬=hori-syunn has taken great care with drawing Tribal Tattoo,
designed especially for the guys.

Don`t foget to check out the LB (Lucky Board) and the New Group Gift!
If you haven`t got the group gift yet please come and pick it up soon.

Thank-you for shopping!