


 We were a little bit late with Halloween so to make up for it Xmas is coming early!

  .::CINQ ONZE::. 2011 X'mas Black Tattoo
This is a colour tattoo, with lettering done in black,
that I made with Christmas Illuminations for inspiration.

 .::CINQ ONZE::. 2011 X'mas White Tattoo

This one is also in colour, inspired by Christmas Light-ups.
In keeping with the White X'mas theme the lettering is in white ink.

And here's what you've been waiting for....
our latest Group Gift!

 .::CINQ ONZE::. 2011 X'mas Kanji Tattoo

The kanji characters on the back of the leg mean 'Merry Christmas!' and on the front, 'Christmas'.
This one is done in black ink with an overlay of colour to give it a neon like touch.
 This one is unisex.

Last but not least.....

 .::CINQ ONZE::. 2011 X'mas Tattoo LB

A new tattoo in the Lucky Board!

Christmas Illumination in white ink!
I hope you enjoy co-ordinating with this full body tattoo.

 See you in store soon ❤

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop

Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.


Trick or Treat!

Halloween is here~♪
I've been thinking I'll go with being a witch this year
I'd been trying on lots of different outfits and decided I needed some spider tattoos!
So here they are!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Halloween Tattoo GGIFT

.::CINQ ONZE::. Halloween Leggings LB

The Group Gift Tattoo includes both [Thin] and [Dark] versions.

The leggins type in the Lucky Board is also a spidery design,
 in both  [Thin] and [Dark] versions, too.

 These will only be available until the 31st of October so hurry on down.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop

Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.


I`ve made some leggings!

6 different patterns to a pack, 4 different packs.
Both long and short versions included. These are also unisex.

I`ve put the packs together randomly to give you a greater variety of designs.

Hope you enjoy co-ordinating with them throughout the coming season.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Leggings1~6

.::CINQ ONZE::. Leggings7~12

.::CINQ ONZE::. Leggings13~18

.::CINQ ONZE::. Leggings09~24

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop

Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.


New Release!

.::CINQ ONZE::. The motif of stars Tattoo

Our last release featured flowers.
 This time round - Stars and Arrows.
Both [Thin] and [Deep] versions are included.
 I especially recommend the [Thin].
 It looks kind of like henna... 
We took this tattoo all the way down and over the top of the foot.
Wear them with style ~♪
See you in store ^^

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main shop

Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.


Apologies for the wait but there is a new Group Gift out!
Feel free to come down and pick it up~♪

.::CINQ ONZE::. Love Message LOVE Tattoo GGift

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction."
<- This is the wording on the tattoo that circles around the Kanji for 'Love' in the centre. Bright, colourful
stars are splashed here and there and this should make for a great casual look^^
.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop

New LB 5min

We`ve put a new item in the Group Lucky Board!
It`s a tattoo for the lower back.
The letters change every 5mins.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Botan Tattoo LB

[Deep] and [Thin] versions are included.
It`s only a one-point tattoo but it`s hand drawn and I really worked hard on it >.<
Come down and try your luck and while you are here don`t forget to check out the newest releases.
Have fun~♪

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop


We have a new release!

This tattoo for the upper body is full of flowers in bloom.
Even though the motifs are mostly floral it`s unisex.
We could say it`s a finely drawn European Tribal motiff.
 Perfect for both a classic or more casual look.

In store now.
Enjoy your SL ♪~♪

.::CINQ ONZE::. main shop



I will be taking up the group gifts at 6am PDT today.

Thank you <333

 .::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop


Three days limitation

Summer is well and truly here!
For everyone toughing it out in the heat and even those playing SL in the cool.....

For the next three days we will be making available all the past .::CINQ ONZE::. group gifts!!

Including the current group gift all up there are nineteen (19!) gifts in total!
If you missed any of the past group gifts this is the perfect chance for you
to come down and grab them all!

Be sure to wear your .::CINQ ONZE::.**Update Group** tag and touch each
vendor to get the gifts.

See you in store~♪


New Tattoo!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Circle Tattoo

I`ve been playing around with geometric patterns and come up with this tattoo.

You`ll find a one-point tattoo for the nape in there as well.
Hope you have fun playing around with the tattoo layers with this one.

The Lucky Board for group members is still out in the Main Store.
As well as a group gift and a one-point tattoo gacha machine.
There`s lots of other tattoos to see and browse through so be sure
to come down and take a good look around :)

See you in store~


Thank you!!

We were so suprised!  Thank-you so much everyone!
Our group has now passed the 1000 member mark!!

We are sooooo happy.

So, even though we are a little late - please forgive us ^^ - we have prepared
a group gift to comemmorate the 1000 member mark.
Please come down and pick up the tattoo whenever you like. 
Hope you enjoy it!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Hanafuda Summer Thanks 1000

So... from now on to both encourage me,
and to enable us to fully satisfy our most loyal customers,
we have decided to set a fee for joining the group.

I hope to keep learning and studying and all the while doing my best to satisfy
our wonderful group members.

Thankyou all so much for your encouragement up til now,
and we know we can count on your continued support. 

Thank-you again so much!


New release and LB

I`ve been just a little bit inspired by The Pirates of the Carribean!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Pirate Tattoo

This is a full body tattoo with images in two places at the back of the neck.

I`ve also changed out the Lucky Board.

This tattoo has you covered in stamps and immigration stamps like you`d find in your passport!
I`ve stamped all over ^^

.::CINQ ONZE::. Stamp Tattoo(LB)

The Group LB works the same as before. 
Simply activate your group tag and wait for your letter to come up.

These are waiting for you instore now ^^

 .::CINQ ONZE::.main shop


New Tattoo!

Three new tattoos!  Yes, three!
Just like the new group gift these are all leg tattoos.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Carp Tattoo
This one is in colour with a Japanese flavour to it!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Birds Tattoo
This one`s an ink tattoo with lots of birds flying all about.
It`s a little bit Hitchcock-ish really.


.::CINQ ONZE::. Flower Dots Tattoo
This one has a pop-art feel to it. Only the flowers are in colour.  It`s cute!

We have lots of ideas and plans for releases from now through summer so it should be fun ^^

Hope to see you in store soon ~♪

.::CINQ ONZE::.main shop

.+*Heart Softens+*.+.::CINQ ONZE::.

New Group Gift!

We`re already halfway through June, but here is the
latest group gift from .::CINQ ONZE::.

This time there are two! Both are for the legs.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Dog Tattoo G.GIFT
at .::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop 

.::CINQ ONZE::. Poison Star Tattoo G.Gift
at the .+*Heart Softens*+. store.

For both of these you`ll need to activate your
.::CINQ ONZE::. **Update Group** tag and touch the board.

Waiting for you instore now~♪


gatcha gatcha

I don`t know about you, but every where I look there are Gacha Gacha. 
Maybe it`s just me..I don`t know,
but either way we`ve also set out some Gacha at .::CINQ ONZE::.!!

At our Main Store....

You`ll find the eight different ones above. 

At our HS store..

 You`ll find the eight different ones pictured here.

 One play is 40L$ and they are Trans OK so you can pass them around^^
They are all on the tattoo layer. 

Come have a go!


New Release and New Group Lucky Board

.::CINQ ONZE::.Study Tattoo

If you look really close you`ll be able to see the equations written on it ^^
This coloured version is availible for purchase.
It also includes a really cute little face tattoo.

.::CINQ ONZE::.Study Black Tattoo LB

 We`ve put this monochrome version in the Group Lucky Board.
Make sure your group tag is active and have fun!
The letter changes every 10mins.

See you in store! ^^


Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.


New Group Gift Info!

The new group gift is a tattoo for the upper body.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Love Heart Tattoo GGift

This time round the tattoo is in colour!
You`ll find it in our main store and also at our Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop branch. 


Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.

Simply wear your group tag and touch the board to recieve it.

The previous group gift 

 .::CINQ ONZE::. WD2 Socks GGift 

will be taken down some time this week, so if you have yet to go get it please do so ASAP.

Bye for now and have a great Second Life ^^


New Release!

First up a really cool snake design.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Jamon Tattoo

This monocrome tattoo includes both light and dark tone versions and a face tattoo.

The next one to tell you about is...

.::CINQ ONZE::. POP Star Tattoo

A cute and colourful tattoo with stars jumping about all over the place.
There are three tones in the pack; dark, light and in between natural version. 
This one also comes with a face tattoo.

Both of these are waiting for you in store now ^^

Don`t forget, if you have yet to pick up the Group Gift Lace Socks,
these are still availible in store.

Stop by and pick these up while you can.

  .::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop 

 .+*Heart Softens*+. Hair Main Shop & .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop 


New release and Group Gift!

Because we love Japan...
Because Japan is holding on to hope....

we`ve made this!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Hope Japan Tattoo

There`s also a new group gift out now.

These socks are for the girls!
They come in 5 different colour variations in both light and dark tones
and long and short versions making a total of 20 pairs so be sure to come pick these up ^^

.::CINQ ONZE::. WD2 Socks GGift

These are both out in our Main store
and at our Hair Make.+*Heart Softens*+.+.::CINQ ONZE::.Tattoo branch store.


New Group Gift!


Long & Short Lace Socks!!

 .::CINQ ONZE::. WD2 socks GGift

See you in store ♪

 .::CINQ ONZE::.  GO→


*New Release*

I made these to wear at my wedding ^^
I feel so much happiness that I have to share it with everyone.

.::CINQ ONZE::. WD Lace Tattoo A_set

This comes in the traditional black and white with both dark and light versions.
Because of the asymmetry of the stockings,
long and short versions on both right and left legs are included.

.::CINQ ONZE::. WD Lace Tattoo B_set

This pastel tone tattoo comes in baby pink and gray in both the dark and light versions.
And just like the A set, long-short versions for each leg are included.

These are both out in store now so please stop by and take a look.

I hope that happiness rains down on you all ❤


Moving our new shop

.::CINQ ONZE::. will be one year old on March 30th and we will be
moving our main store.

Our new location is -here

After March 31st LMs to our old store will no longer work so please
update your Landmarks.

After the devastation of a large earthquake, Japan,
where syuun Loon and I, NOAH Windsorm live,
continues to be see great hardships.  Despite this we still have hope.

If we all work together we can make a difference. 
People from all over the world have come together to work as one.

Every day I ask myself, 'What can I do...'  everyday I decide, 'Today I`ll do this...'

What we are able to do may only be very small,
however, I plan to keep on 'Doing what I can'.

If you have wisdom, give wisdom
If you have strength, give strength
If you have money, give money
To those who say they have nothing to give, give vitality.

Chiharu Matsuyama - Japanese Folk Singer


 3月30日で.::CINQ ONZE::. はオープンして1年になりますが


私達、syunn Loon & NOAH Windstorm が住んでいる日本は

「自分は何にも出せないよ…」 って奴は元気を出せ!




Our hearts and thoughts are with the many,
many people affected by the recent
Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake and other earthquakes centred
in the Nagano and Hokubu areas.

 We sincerely hope that their suffering is relieved as soon as possible.

 I find myself constantly thinking about what I can do to help.

What I can do....

What I can do may be very small,
but when we combine all our efforts, our actions take shape,
and we can help to make a difference. 
Donating, helping to save power,
in light of the great difficulties people face these still seem too small a gesture,
but I hope to continue to help as best I can. 


New Release!

It`s another of the popular leg tattos.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Koikoi Tattoo

Like our previous release, .::CINQ ONZE::. 88Flowers Tattoo,
the inspiration for 「Koikoi」 comes from the Japanese card game,
Hanafuda and they will go together nicely. 

Experience a little bit of Japan on your bare skin and keep an eye out
for more releases in our Hanafuda series. ^^

Hope to see you in store soon ♪

 .::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop 

 .+*Heart Softens*+. Hair Main Shop & .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop 


New Group Gift!

The theme for this one is [Kanji], Chinese characters.
There are eleven different Kanji tattoos in two separate packs.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Kanji Tattoo GGift-01

 .::CINQ ONZE::. Kanji Tattoo GGift-02

For those of you that can`t read Japanese,
I`ve included the meaning of each character in the title of the tattoo.

You can find these set out in the store now. 
Hope you enjoy them!

 .::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop 

 .+*Heart Softens*+. Hair Main Shop & .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop 



This is our first tattoo release for the new Year!

.::CINQ ONZE::. 88Flowers Tattoo

88 Flowers comes from the traditional Japanese card game called 'hanafuda'.

I hope you enjoy the Japanese motifs in this tattoo and wear it with style.

There is another Group Gift on the way so keep a look out for that.

We hope all our customers have a fantastic year this year and look forward
to sharing it with you all!

.::CINQ ONZE::. Main Shop 

.+*Heart Softens*+. Hair Main Shop & .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop